Urban Worm Thermometer - Perfect for the Garden & Worm Bin

Keep track of soil and worm bin temperature accurately with the Urban Worm Thermometer. The stainless steel stem penetrates up to 5-inches into soil to give you the most accurate reading. And the green, yellow, and red tick marks let you know when you're in the optimal zone for your soil microbes and worms.

Also available with 2 bricks of Urban Worm Coco Coir and 2 Urban Worm Blankets as part of the Worm Bin Accessory Bundle.

  • Veteran Owned
    Steve is a combat-decorated Air Force veteran of 23 years
  • Fast & Free Shipping
    Free shipping to the 48!
  • Warranty
    Our Urban Bag comes with a lifetime warranty!

We guarantee our craftmanship and quality of our products. If you've got an issue, please let us know so we can make it right!


We can accept unused non-perishable goods like the Urban Worm Bag for up to 30 days after your purchase in case you change your mind.